Episode 27: Weed & National Parks
Weed and National Parks seem like they should go hand in hand. However, weed is federally illegal, and National Parks are federal land. In this episode, the Devil’s Lettuce Ladies breakdown 1. Can you smoke weed in National Parks? 2. Chat about people who have been caught smoking/growing weed in NPs. 3. Keeping yourself safe while hiking if you come across a grow. We love the outdoors! We love weed! This is an episode you don’t want to miss.
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What happens if you get caught with cannabis in a national park?
Can Biden Legalize Weed in National Parks
Marijuana Farms Take Root in National Parks
Keeping Safe If You Come Across a Marijuana Grow Site
Reddit: Is there any likelihood of forest rangers arresting you in a national park for smoking pot?
What we are smoking: