Episode 05: Robots and Aliens
This week the ladies are getting nostalgic with 420 memories as they smoke the latest philanthropy strain from High Minded, DD420. Get the inside scope on how the marketing and branding of the strain came to be.
Will AI ruin us or make us better? The ladies chat about the implications of searching for images of a cute corgi playing baseball vs. writing a blog about the 5 things to do on 420. At the end of the day, if AI is starting to make you feel like a villain, smoke a joint. We cover it all here on The Devil’s Lettuce Ladies.
Follow us on Instagram @thedevilslettuceladies | @ladyganja.jpg | @midwest.canna.queen
High Minded on Instagram @highminded_canna
The Never-Ending ‘Seinfeld’ AI Shows Signs of Becoming Self Aware: ‘Why Are We Here?’